February 4, 2015 Agenda Minutes Publicly available documents: Enclosure 1: Follow-up on the Accreditation Panel's Assessment of ITU
April 16, 2015 Agenda Minutes Publicly available documents: Enclosure 1a: Årsrapport 2014 Enclosure 1b: Annual Report 2014 Enclosure 2a: Ernest & Youngs revisionsprotokollat, dateret 16. april 2015 Enclosure 2b: Ernest & Young's Long-form Audit Report, dated April 16, 2015 Enclosure 3: The National Audit's Statement, IT University of Copenhagen (in Danish) Enclosure 4: Follow-up on Strategic Goals for 2014
September 17, 2015 Agenda Minutes Publicly available documents: Enclosure 1: Follow-up on Development Contract Targets after Q2 2015 Enclosure 2: Follow-up on Strategic Target after Q2 2015 Enclosure 3: Q2 Financial accounts ITU Enclosure 5: Framework budget 2016-2018 Enclosure 6: Quality Policy v3 Enclosure 7a: 2014-09-19 Forretningsorden - underskrevet Enclosure 7b: 2014-09-19 Rules of Procedure - signed Enclosure 8: ITU-Board Self-evaluation Questionnaire
Agenda and publicly available documents Minutes
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