Study start

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Study start for bachelor's students

ITU welcomes you to the Introduction Days for new bachelor's students from 18-20 August 2025, followed by an intro party on Friday, 22 August, and the Freshers' Festival on Saturday, 6 September.

The Introduction Days give you a social, academic and practical insight to the life as a student at ITU. You will be greeted by your tutors, the Rector and get a change to meet your Head of Programme. During the Introduction Days you will work on an academic intro-days-project and the focus will also be on spending cozy and informal time together with your new fellow students. The Study and Career Guidance will tell you about rules, regulations and your possibilities as a university student.

You will receive more information in the welcoming letter if you get accepted to one of our programmes.

Studiestart på IT-Universitetet

Study start for master's students

There are Introduction Days for new master's students on 21-22 August 2025, with an intro party on Friday evening, followed by a Freshers' Festival on Saturday, 6 September.

The Introduction Day gives you a social, academic and practical insight to the life as a student at ITU. During the Introduction Days you will meet your new fellow students, the Head of your Programme and your tutors. You will work on an academically based intro-days-project and have the opportunity to spend some cozy and informal time together with your new fellow students.

You will receive more information in your welcoming letter if you get accepted to one of our programmes.

Studiestart på IT-Universitetet

Study start for exchange students

If you are studying at the IT University as a part of your education in your home country, you are regarded as an exchange student. As an exchange student you are invited for an Introduction Day with other exchange students as part of the Introduction Days for bachelor's and master's student. You can read more about your study start and find the programme for the Introduction Day on ITU Student.

Studiestart på IT-Universitetet

Study start for guest students

As a guest student from a Danish university, you will receive a welcoming email with your login details and practical information. You can also find information about semester start and other practical information on ITU Student. 

Courses start in week 5 and 35 for all students.

Studiestart på IT-Universitetet


The Study and Career Guidance arranges the Introduction Days. You are welcome to contact the Study and Career Guidance if you have questions about the Study start at ITU.