Master in IT Management

The Master in IT Management programme is a research-based part-time professional master's programme that provides you with necessary skills to be a competent manager in IT.

The programme is designed for IT project managers, managers of an IT department or aspiring managers, digitalisation managers, IT consultants or IT advisors.

The programme is designed for employees in both the private and public sector.

With a Master in IT Management, you obtain the necessary skills and profile to manage IT on an operational and strategic level in your organisation.

The programme introduces you to the latest research-based knowledge in the field and teaches you how to create value with IT as a manager.

This way, theories and methods are linked to the managerial challenges faced on an every-day basis, in your organisation.

The programme explores and addresses the problems, challenges and opportunities that arise when IT and increased digitalisation intersect with operations, development and innovation.

The programme ensures individual sparring on management and building, developing and supplementing your management competencies.

The programme structure also ensures and facilitates a professional network with the other participants during the course of the programme.


Entry requirements and admission

All applicants must meet the following entry requirements listed below:

  • One of the following educational backgrounds: A university bachelor's degree, a professional bachelor's degree, a master's degree, diploma in IT or equivalent
  • English on Danish B level and the Higher Educational Exam in Danish. Read more about The Higher Educational Exam in Danish here.
  • Five years of relevant work experience after completion of the qualifying degree. After completing the programme, you will hold the title of Professional Master of IT. ACE Denmark has accredited the IT University’s professional master programmes.

Read more about the programme and the entry requirements on the Danish programme web page.

Contact us if you need more information about the program or professional education in general at the IT University.

Professional Education
Rued Langgaards Vej 7
DK-2300 København S

Phone: +45 7218 5450
