Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The IT University is Denmark’s leading university when it comes to entrepreneurship, we greatly value innovation and entrepreneurship.

We encourage the students to start their own businesses. The innovation and startup hub ITU NextGen and our own investment company, ITU Business Development, all play important roles in trying to turn our students and graduates into entrepreneurs.

ITU NextGen

ITU NextGen is the Innovation and startup hub at the IT University of Copenhagen. They offer activities available for all students to be inspired and develop skills.

Engagement is possible on many levels. From participation in talks and workshops to involvement in hackathons and explorative programs.

Students with the ambition to start their own business can also apply to join the incubator program and the startup hub.

Find out more: ITU NextGen


ITU Business Development A/S was established according to the Danish Tech Trans Law and is wholly owned by the IT University. The company invests in university startups and spinouts and provides counselling for the university in connection with technology transfer and for students and researchers with ideas for startups.

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If you wish to have access to knowledge and research within your line of business that can create commercial value for your company, you should consider employing an Industrial PhD.

An Industrial PhD project is a three-year, industrially focused research project and PhD education conducted jointly by a private sector company, an Industrial PhD candidate, and a university.

It is a unique opportunity for your company to attract highly specialised labour, and to benefit from the research and knowledge at the university. Innovation Fund Denmark invests in Industrial PhD projects of high quality and with commercial relevance for the company.

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