Diversity Equity and Inclusion

Diversity at ITU

At ITU, equity and diversity are strategic priorities. All students and staff contribute to creating an inclusive study and work environment.

Committe for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at ITU

In March 2022, ITU established a Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with ITU Rector Per Bruun Brockhoff as chairperson. The committee works with various initiatives to support and further develop a working and study environment with an emphasis on diversity and inclusion.

The committee has a particular focus on involving the entire organisation in the work of promoting the university's core values.

 Rules of procedure for Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

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ITU's Gender Equality Plan sets out a framework for gender equality efforts at the university, designates concrete measures, meets the requirements in connection with Horizon Europe - the EU's research and innovation program - and is a step on the way towards the fulfillment of the UN's Global Goals.

In the Gender Equality Plan, the university focuses particularly on three areas – recruitment, study environment, and working environment – to ensure gender diversity and inclusion among employees as well as students.

Find annual reports, action plan and data below.

With the Gender Equality Plan, ITU has strengthened the foundation for gender equality efforts at the university and shown how the work is organised, documented, and monitored, as well as presented an action plan, special focus areas, implementation, and reporting.

The focus on gender equality and diversity is anchored in ITU's overall strategy with the aim of redressing the gender balance among students and staff and ensuring an open, inclusive environment at the university.

Read the Gender Equality Plan 2023

