Transport and Overnight Stay
External examiners travelling outside of Region Hovedstaden can get their expenses covered if the triviality limit of 50 DKK is exceeded.
How to get a travel reimbursement
To receive a reimbursement for travel or hotel expenses the travel reimbursement form is filled out and handed to Student Affairs and Programmes together with the original receipts. You can find the form in the submission folder in LearnIT which you are linked to when booked for an exam at ITU.
NB: For flight tickets, E-tickets and train tickets, please remember to attach a copy of the order confirmation – boarding passes and seat reservations are not sufficient documentation.
Means of Transport
To the extent possible, it is expected that external examiners travel by means of public transportation or private vehicle.
- Train: The IT University of Copenhagen reimburses standard train tickets.
- Flight: Flight travels may also be reimbursed if the price does not exceed the price of a train ticket considerably.
- Taxi: ITU reimburses the expenses for taxi services when travelling between your home and the train station/airport and for travelling from the airport/train station to ITU. This is valid for both outward and return journeys. If you are staying at a hotel, the use of taxi service is allowed between the hotel and ITU. In a reimbursement context, Student Affairs and Programmes should always approve taxi services not described in this section beforehand.
- Private car: Reimbursement for travelling by car is accounted per kilometre travelled at the lowest rate (elaborated below). The rate per kilometre is regulated under The Ministry of Finance in Cirkulære om Satsregulering set by the Agency for Modernisation. When filling out the travel reimbursement form, remember to add the number of kilometres shown in your mileage recorder before and after travelling plus the total amount of kilometres driven. A parking license can be picked up at our information desk.
An external examiner is allowed to book an overnight stay provided that
- The travel distance makes it impossible for the external examiner to begin censoring in the morning
- The exam is scheduled over several days
ITU does not assist in finding and booking hotels or other types of accommodation for the external examiners, it is each external examiners own responsibility to do so.
Reimbursement maximum for accommodation as per 20 december, 2024: DKK 1,844. Cf. governmental regulations - Cirkulære om Satsregulering.
Remember to attach invoice and/or receipts to the travel reimbursement form.
Invoices cannot be sent directly from the hotel to ITU.