The course manager will send you information concerning time and place for the planned course exams.
For project and thesis exams the exam coordinators at Student Affairs and Programmes will send you information concerning time and place of the exam.
For questions concerning exams please contact Student Affairs and Programmes:
tel.: 7218 5205 or mail: sap@itu.dk.
See also out letter to examiners on various practicalities.
Rules concerning legal incapacity can be found in paragraph 3 of the Danish Forvaltningslov.
If you consider yourself as incapacitated in an exam, please contact Student Affairs and Programmes at sap@itu.dk.
Platforms at ITU
As an external examiner you will primarily be working in ITU’s Learning Management System learnIT. Online oral exams at ITU are conducted via Zoom.
LearnIT is the institutional course platform at ITU, based on the Learning Management System Moodle. Every course and thesis have its own virtual room where teachers and students can access content and engage in various learning activities. learnIT is also the place where exam assignments are submitted at ITU. You will receive a link to the virtual learning room in learnIT from the exam coordinator in SAP.
Zoom allows you to engage in live web conversations and presentations using audio, video, and text-based chat features. Zoom has several interaction features, group break out options and co-hosting features. It is possible to have non-ITU participants in a Zoom meeting. Zoom works well for both single-student exams as well as larger group exams.
ITU uses the licensed Zoom version provided by the Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation (DeiC) which meets ITUs security requirements.
For further information, please see guides and tutorials on this page.