Transparency and Openness
The Act on Transparency and Openness in education passed by the Danish Parliament in June 2002 prescribes transparency and openness in universities.
Get an overview of information about the IT University
Average grades given for BSc projects (2023):
- BSc projects in Digital Design and Interactive Technologies: 10,9 (40 projects)
- BSc projects in Data Science: 10,4 (51 projects)
- BSc projects in Software Development: 10,6 (133 projects)
- BSc projects in Global Business Informatics: 10,1 (78 projects)
BSc graduates grade average (2023):
- BSc students in Digital Design and Interactive Technologies: 9,0 (40 graduates)
- BSc students in Data Science: 8,4 (51 graduates)
- BSc students in Software Development: 7,4 (133 graduates)
- BSc students in Global Business Informatics: 8,8 (78 graduates)
BSc students time of completion*: 2,8 years / 34 months.
For numbers about BSc students' completion time and -frequency, see Danish Universities' website.
MSc thesis grade averages (2023):
- MSc in Digital Design and Interactive Technologies: 10,3 (110 projects)
- MSc in Digital Innovation and Management: 9,8 (131 projects)
- MSc in Games: 10,3 (46 projects)
- MSc in Computer Science: 10,4 (76 projects)
- MSc in Software Design: 10,3 (99 projects)
MSc graduates grade average (2023):
- MSc in Digital Design and Interactive Technologies: 9,0 (110 graduates)
- MSc in Digital Innovation and Management: 9,0 (131 graduates)
- MSc in Games: 9,5 (46 graduates)
- MSc in Computer Science: 8,9 (76 graduates)
- MSc in Software Design: 8,6 (99 graduates)
MSc students time of completion: 1,8 years
MSc students' completion time and -frequency etc. - see Danish Universities' website.
MSc statistics of employment (in Danish).
Facts about PhDs
PhD students completion rate after 5 years: 78% (14 PhDs). (2021-number)
PhD student drop-outs after 5 years: 17% (3 PhDs). (2021-number)
PhD students active after 5 years: 6% (1 PhD). (2021-number)
PhD statistics of employment (in Danish).
Evaluation of the quality of the education (2021)
The average score for the question "Overall, I benefited from the course" was 4,6 based on a scale from 1-6 where 6 equals the statement: "I strongly agree".
Each semester, the IT University conducts a student evaluation of courses taught at the IT University. Up to and including spring 2019, students answered a survey. In autumn 2019, ITU implemented a new evaluation concept including a revised survey amongst others