Your diploma will be sent to your e-boks within two months after your final exam. The month of July is not included when calculating the two-month time limit. If you do not have a Danish social security number (CPR-number) or are exempt from the e-boks requirement the diploma will be sent to your home address.
Should you lose your original diploma, ITU cannot offer you a copy of your original diploma or a new one.If you for some reason may not be able to keep your access to e-boks, we higly recommend that you download your diploma and save it somewhere safe, or if you recieve a physical diploma, that you scan it
If you lose your diploma you can print a grade transcript. Please visit to get access to see and print your grade transcript. Note that you must sign in using your NemID. Name changes will not appear in transcripts.
Former students without a NemID will have to contact SAP at and request for a transcript.