A distributed, value-oriented XML store
TR-2003-27, Authors: Tine Thorn, Anders Baumann, Mikkel Fennestad and Peter Sestoft
Tine Thorn
Anders Baumann Mikkel Fennestad Peter Sestoft May 2003
We present a highly scalable peer-to-peer distributed system for storage of XML documents. The API to the system is value-oriented (as in functional programming), providing full persistence of document versions and facilitating replication, caching and subdocument sharing without complicated protocols. The paper describes the value-oriented XML store API, gives a brief overview of the implementation, and includes a evaluation of the implementation. The complete
documented source code of the system is available online, including our own implementation of the Chord protocol (from MIT) for distributed hash tables.
Technical report TR-2003-27 in IT University Technical Report Series, May 2003.
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