The MSc programme in Digital Innovation & Management equips you with the knowledge, skill-set, and tools to engage with the many challenges and opportunities created by digital change and innovation. It does so by combining knowledge and competences from many research fields such as qualitative and ethnographic studies of IT, science and technology studies, business, management and organisation studies, information studies, innovation studies, as well as cultural studies and philosophy.
As digital technologies evolve and proliferate, they affect organisations, people, and society in rapid and surprising ways. Managing the complexity of digitalisation requires the ability to make informed and timely decisions in situ. Classic management and organisational strategies do not always apply when working with turbulent digitalisation processes. Adopting the right mindset is crucial, and the ability to do so relies on developing a deep understanding of the complex interplay between people, organisational processes, and digital technologies.
Over the course of the programme, you will study how IT and data shapes society, organisations, and individual lives as well as how our relationship to IT is grounded in complex historical, cultural, and political contexts. And, in turn, you will explore how IT can be used to pursue a range of different goals and future trajectories. The programme has a broad international outlook and is taught in English. Case material is derived from both Danish and international organisations.
Non-curricular events at the university can be held in Danish.
As a student of Digital Innovation & Management, you want to make a difference in contemporary IT development and digital innovation. You are interested in digitalisation as a complex social, cultural, and technical phenomenon which requires theoretical sophistication and innovation, methodological ingenuity, and practical engagement.
You would like to work critically and constructively with organisational, societal, or business challenges and opportunities which often require unorthodox solutions.
Group work is central to the programme, so you should be motivated to collaborate with your fellow students.
You do not need a background in a technical discipline to study Digital Innovation & Management.
The MSc programme in Digital Innovation & Management has a flexible structure leaving room for you to shape your own unique profile. The programme contains mandatory courses and specialisations in form of specialisation packages.
Navigating Complexity: Mapping, Visualisation & Decision-making 15 ECTS
Reassembling Innovation 7.5 ECTS
Computational Literacies 7.5 ECTS
Processes Innovation 15 ECTS
Programming and Data Processing* 7.5 ECTS
Digital Organizing and Transformation 7.5 ECTS
Specialisation**15 ECTS
*Students who have passed a similar course prior to admission are exempted and will have an elective instead. ** The specialisation must be chosen within the range of specialisation courses offered for the Digital Innovation & Management programme. 22,5 ECTS must be chosen. *** Electives can be chosen both within the range of specialisation courses and other elective courses offered for the Digital Innovation & Management programme. The module can also be used to write a project under supervision. It is possible to combine electives to make room for larger study activities.
The programme offers a number of specialisation courses. You can choose one of our recommended specialisations or combine the specialisation courses in other ways to shape your own customised specialisation.
Electives and the Master's thesis, together with your specialisation courses, give you the opportunity to shape your own profile. If you have electives, you can choose from a number of courses offered at Master's level at the IT University or you can take electives at another Danish or foreign university. The Master's thesis can be written in groups or individually.
See a description of all courses.
A specialisation consists of a collection of courses that together take up at least 22.5 ECTS and which allow you to explore a topic in depth. It helps prepare you to write your Master's thesis. You can either choose one of the recommended specialisations, or you can put together your own specialisation from the range of specialisation courses offered for Digital Innovation & Management.
The teaching method alternates between lectures and project work. Students are expected to show initiative, hone collaborative skills, and practice project management. Your professors and lecturers are among the best in the field, and you are expected to prepare well and participate actively in class.
Project work is an important part of the MSc in Digital Innovation & Management. This offers the opportunity to delve deeper into specific areas that interest you or your project group. Project work also allows you to engage more in depth with case organisations.
The programme in general – and the comprehensive 15 ECTS courses in particular – is designed to enable you to study or collaborate with public organisations or private companies and explore how theory applies to practice. Collaboration with public or private companies enables you to focus on current industry or societal challenges. This furthermore allows you to network with the organisation in the business area that you study, before you graduate.
The programme is taught in English and course material will be in English. There will be used cases and examples from both Danish and international organisations.
During your studies you may study a semester abroad. The 3rd semester is well suited for this. This offers you the chance to further specialise and experience studying in a different environment and living in another country.
The IT University has exchange agreements with universities around the world. For students enrolled in Digital Innovation & Management, we recommend:
The Danish government has decided to put a ceiling on the number of international students admitted each year, as too many international students leave and work outside Denmark after graduation.
Therefore, ITU has introduced Danish language (A level) as admission requirement for the MSc in Digital Innovation & Management.
The Danish language requirement means that you should be able to use Danish at an academic level. You need to be able to write, read, listen to and speak Danish at the highest level. You can obtain the Danish language requirement by passing the ‘Studieprøven i dansk som andetsprog’, which is a nationally recognized test for foreign language speakers administered by numerous language schools in Denmark. If you do not speak Danish, it usually takes 3 years to prepare for this test. Please contact Ucplus or Clavis for more information about ‘Studieprøven i dansk’.
Read more about how you can obtain the Danish language requirement here, and if you already have Danish A level you can read about the admission requirements on our Danish website.
If you have a BSc in Global Business Informatics or BSc in Data Science with Business Track (and have been admittet in 2020 or before) from ITU you have a legal right to be admitted to the MSc in Digital Innovation & Management even if you have not passed Danish at A level. Read more here.
Digital Innovation & Management offers a global perspective on IT and prepares you well for an exciting career in the private or public sector.
With an MSc in Digital Innovation & Management you can become a liaison between business and IT with the ability to speak both languages and act as boundary spanners between different communities of practice. You will know about the affordances of state-of-the-art IT as well as the business needs of different organisations. Furthermore, as graduate from Digital Innovations & Management you will know how to facilitate and make decisions that are based on data analysis and interpretation. You will also be able to dissect the complexity of modern organisations, analyse problems, and propose solutions to social and technical challenges.
Information technology is everywhere. As a graduate, you will be an asset for a wide array of employers in the private as well as the public sector. You will be well-equipped to shape your career in a changing professional environment.
The job titles listed below are examples of positions and tasks, you may be qualified for, depending on your area of specialisation in the programme:
If you are interested in applying for a PhD at the IT University, please read more here.
Are you interested in studying at the IT University of Copenhagen, and do you have questions about programmes, student life or the like, please contact the Study and Career Guidance.
My name is Bianca, and I am currently studying abroad at Koç University in Istanbul as a part of my 3rd semester of my master in Software Design π§π
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