General admission requirements
To be considered for admission to a bachelor's programme at the IT University, you must have passed a qualifying examination. On this page, you can find information about international exams that are comparable to a Danish upper secondary school certificate and thereby qualify for admission.
We have gathered information on international exams, exams from non-EU/EEA countries and a list of the most common European examinations below. Please note that the list is not exhaustive. For further info see the International examination assessed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.
If you want to make sure you meet the general admission requirements, we offer pre-assessments of your qualifications from 1 October to 30 November.
Danish exams
Please go to the Danish site to see an overview of the accepted Danish examinations.
International exams
Upper secondary leaving exam | Dansk-Fransk Baccalauréat (Dansk-Fransk Studentereksamen) |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Baccalauréat S (serie scientifique) Baccalauréat ES (série économique et sociale) |
Mathematics A | Baccalauréat S (serie scientifique) |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | French grade: 10-11 = 4 Danish grade* French grade: 12-13 = 7 Danish grade* |
*Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | European Baccalaureate (EB) (Europæisk Studentereksamen) |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | L III (4 years, completed after 5th grade) L IV (4 years, completed after 7th grade) |
Mathematics A | Elective, extended level or 5 hours compulsory |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | EB grade: 6,61-7,78 = 4 Danish grade* EB grade: 7,79-8,75 = 7 Danish grade* |
*Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year around 1 March.
If your qualifying exam is an International Baccalaureate (IB), the application deadline is March 15, 12:00 noon CET, even though the IB is completed in Denmark and regardless of which quota you apply for.
If you complete the IB the same year as you apply for admission at the BSc programme at the IT University, you must instruct and allow your IB coordinator to sign you up to IBIS (IB Information System). You have to give this permission to your IB coordinator by May 1 at the latest. Remember to ask for a receipt in order to be able to document the registration to IBIS subsequently. For the registration, you need the institution code of the IT University, which is 003934.
Upper secondary leaving exam | International Baccalaureate – IB Diploma |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
Danish A | Danish/Swedish/Norwegian A1 (SL/HL) Danish/Swedish/Norwegian A Literature (SL/HL) Danish B (HL) (Danish as a second language) |
English B | English A1 (HL) English A2 (HL) English B (HL) English A1 (SL) English A2 (SL) English B (SL) English A Lang. & Lit. (HL) English A Lang. & Lit. (SL) English A Literature (HL) English A Literature (SL) |
Mathematics A | Mathematics (HL) Mathematics: Analysis and approaches (HL) Mathematics: Applications and interpretation (HL) |
Mathematics B | Mathematics, standard level (SL) formerly known as Mathematical Methods SL Mathematics: Analysis and approaches (SL) Mathematics: Applications and interpretation (SL) |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | IB grade: 4 = 4 Danish grade* IB grade: 5 = 7 Danish grade* |
*Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year around 1 March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | Option Internationale du Baccalauréat (OIB) |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Baccalauréat ES (série économique et sociale) Baccalauréat S (serie scientifique) |
Mathematics A | Baccalauréat S (serie scientifique) |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | French grade: 11 = 4 Danish grade* French grade: 12-13 = 7 Danish grade* |
*Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March.
Exams from EU/EEA countries
Upper secondary leaving exam | Reifeprüfung/Matura Reifeprüfung* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Austrian grade: 4 = 02 Danish grade** Austrian grade: 3 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | - Diploma van secundair onderwijs (from 1992)/ASO, TSO og KSO (TSO/KSO completed as part of the general study preparatory line)*
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Belgian grade: 54-64 = 4 Danish grade** Belgian grade: 65-79 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts (Allgemein billender/technischer/künstlerischer Sekundarunterricht, if part of the Ûbergang department) (from 1995)* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Belgian grade: 54-64 = 4 Danish grade** Belgian grade: 65-79 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | Diploma za (Zavarsheno) Sredno Obrazovanie/za Sredno Obrazovanie* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2, if the subject list is general. If the subject list is vocational, it qualifies for quota 2 only. |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Bulgarian grade: 3.00-3.49 = 02 Danish grade** Bulgarian grade: 3.50-4.49 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | - Maturalna svjedodžba
- Svjedodzba o zavrsenom srednjem obrazovanju
- Svjedodžba o zavrsnom ispitu-maturi (from 2010 and ongoing)
- Svjedodžba o Državnoj Maturi*
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Croatian grade: 2 = 4 Danish grade** Croatian grade: 3 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | - Apolytirio (απολυτήριο) from Enaiou Lykeio (Εναίου Λύκειο) (from 2001-)
- Geniko Lykeio (Γενικό Λύκειο) (from 2018)*
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Cypriot grade: 11-13 = 4 Danish grade** Cypriot grade: 14-16 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March. REQUIREMENT | EQUIVALENT |
Upper secondary leaving exam | Gümnaasiumi Lõputunnistus + Riigieksamenitunnistus (from 1997)* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | State exam: Estonian grade: 46-65 = 4 Danish grade** Estonian grade: 66-82 = 7 Danish grade** Lõputunnistus: Estonian grade: 3 = 4 Danish grade** Estonian grade: 4 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March. REQUIREMENT | EQUIVALENT |
Upper secondary leaving exam | Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/studentexamensbetyg* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Lukion päättötodistustus: Finnish grade: 6 = 4 Danish grade** Finnish grade: 7 = 7 Danish grade** Ylioppilastutkintotodistus: Finnish grade: Lubenter approbatur (B) (3) = 4 Danish grade** Finnish grade: Cum laude approbatur © (4) = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | - Baccalauréat general
- Baccalauréat technologique*
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | French grade: 11-12 = 4 Danish grade** French grade: 13-14 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | - Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur)
- Zeugnis der Reife/Reifezeugnis*
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2. Exams from GDR qualifies for quota 2 only. |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | German grade: 7-8 punkte = 4 Danish grade** German grade: 9-10 punkte = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year around 1 March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | Apolitírio Enaíou Lykeíou/Apolytirion Geniko Lykeiou plus the Panhellenic entrance exam* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2. If you have no Panhellenic entrance exam, your exam qualifies for quota 2 only. |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Greek grade (from 2000): 9,5-10,2 = 02 Danish grade** Greek grade (from 2000): 10,3-12,4 = 4 Danish grade** Greek grade: (from 2000) 12,5-15,7 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year around 1 March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | Gimnaziumi erettsegi bizonyitvany/Erettsegi Bizonyitvany from Gimnazium* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Hungarian grade: 3 = 4 Danish grade** Hungarian grade: 4 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | Stúdentspróf af bóknámsbraut* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | 15 einingar: ENS 103+203+303+403+503 |
Mathematics A | STÆ 103-203-303-403-523 STÆ 103-203-303-403-513 STÆ 103-203-303-313-413-363-463 STÆ 103-263- 313-413- 363-463 STÆ 103-203-303-403-503 |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Icelandic grade: 6 = 4 Danish grade** Icelandic grade: 7 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | - Leaving Certificate (Established)
- Matriculation Exam/certificate (before 1993)*
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Higher Level grades: Irish grade: 4 and 5 = 4 Danish grade** Irish grade: 3 = 7 Danish grade** Odinary Level grades: Irish grade: 5 = 4 Danish grade** Irish grade: 4 = 7 Danish grade** Foundation Level grades: Irish grade: 5 = 4 Danish grade** Irish grade: 4 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year around 1 March. | |
Upper secondary leaving exam | -
Liceo (Classico, Scientifico, Linguistico, Scienze umane, Musicale e coreutico)* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | |
| Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
| Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | 0-10 scale: Italian grade: 7 = 4 Danish grade** Italian grade: 8 = 7 Danish grade** 0-100 scale: Italian grade: 63-71 = 4 Danish grade** Italian grade: 72-83 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | - Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību (from 1.3.2001)
- Atestāts par vidējo izglītību (until 1.3.2001)*
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Latvian grade: 5 = 4 Danish grade** Latvian grade: 6/7 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March. REQUIREMENT | EQUIVALENT |
Upper secondary leaving exam | - Maturazeugnis (from 2005)
- Maturazeugnis (type B and E, until 2004)*
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Liechtenstein grade: 4 = 02 Danish grade** Liechtenstein grade: 5 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | Brandos Atestatas* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Year grade: Lithuanian grade: 5 = 4 Danish grade** Lithuanian grade: 6/7 = 7 Danish grade** Exam grade: Lithuanian grade: 23-39 = 4 Danish grade** Lithuanian grade: 40-65 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March. REQUIREMENT | EQUIVALENT |
Upper secondary leaving exam | - Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires classiques (from 2017)
- Diplôme de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires (until 2016)*
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Luxembourgish grade: 35-40 = 4 Danish grade** Luxembourgish grade: 41-46 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year around 1 March. REQUIREMENT | EQUIVALENT |
Upper secondary leaving exam | Matriculation Certificate* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Maltese grade: E = 4 Danish grade* Maltese grade: D = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March. REQUIREMENT | EQUIVALENT |
Upper secondary leaving exam | - Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO)(„profiel/nieuwe stijl", from 1998)
- Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO)("oude stijl", until 2004)
- Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO)*
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Dutch grade: 7 = 4 Danish grade** Dutch grade: 8 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year around 1 March. REQUIREMENT | EQUIVALENT |
Upper secondary leaving exam | Vitnemål Videregående Opplæring* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Engelsk VG1 + VG2 SPR3008 & SPR3009 (International English) |
Mathematics A | Vg1T + Vg2T Vg1T + X Vg1T + R1 Vg1P + R1 Vg1T + S1 + S2 Vg1P + S1 + S2 |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Norwegian grade: 3 = 4 Danish grade** Norwegian grade: 4 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March. REQUIREMENT | EQUIVALENT |
Upper secondary leaving exam | - Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci/Matura plusSwiadectwo Ukonczenia (from 2004)
- Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci (until 2004)
From either Liceum ogólnoksztalcace or Liceum profilowane* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | 0-100 scale: Polish grade: 52-71 = 4 Danish grade** Polish grade: 72-89 = 7 Danish grade** 1-6 scale: Polish grade: 3 = 4 Danish grade** Polish grade: 4 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year around 1 March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | - Certificado/Diploma de Fim de Estudos Secundários (from Cursos científico-humanísticos – from 2007)
- Certificado/Diploma de Ensino Secundário (from Cursos gerais de ensino superior – until 2006)
- Certificado de Habilitacções do Ensino Secundário
- Certidão do Décimo Segundo Ano (before 1986)
- Certificado/ Diploma de Ensino Secundário Recorrente*
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Portuguese grade: 12-14 = 4 Danish grade** Portuguese grade: 15/16 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year around 1 March. REQUIREMENT | EQUIVALENT |
Upper secondary leaving exam | Diploma de bacalaureat/Liceu theoretic* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Rumanian grade: 5,4-6,3 = 4 Danish grade** Rumanian grade: 6,4-7,9 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year around 1 March. REQUIREMENT | EQUIVALENT |
Upper secondary leaving exam | Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej skúške/Maturitná skúška /Maturita z gymnázia* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Slovak grade: 4 = 02 Danish grade** Slovak grade: 3 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | - Spričevalo o splošni maturi (from 2009)
- Maturitetno spričevalo (Matura) (from 1995 to 2008)*
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Slovenian grade: 2 = 02 Danish grade** Slovenian grade: 3 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March. REQUIREMENT | EQUIVALENT |
Upper secondary leaving exam | Título de Bachiller/Bachillerato* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Spanish grade: 6 = 4 Danish grade** Spanish grade: 7 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March. REQUIREMENT | EQUIVALENT |
Upper secondary leaving exam | Gymnasieexamen from högskoleförberedande program from gymnasieskolen and Komvux (diplomas from 2014)* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Engelsk steg 7 (ENGENG07) |
Mathematics A | MATMAT04 (MATMAT05 is higher than A-level) |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Swedish grade: 12.5/D = 4 Danish grade** Swedish grade: 15/C/VG = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year per 1st March.
Upper secondary leaving exam | Maturitätszeugnis/Certificat de Maturité/Attestato di Maturitá* |
Qualifies for the following quotas | Quota 1 and 2 |
English B | Minimum total sum of 210 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | 1-6 scale: Swiss grade: 4 = 02 Danish grade** Swiss grade: 4,5 = 4 Danish grade** Swiss grade: 5 = 7 Danish grade** 1-10 scale: Swiss grade: 7 = 4 Danish grade** Swiss grade: 8 = 7 Danish grade** 5-1 scale: Swiss grade: 3 = 2 Danish grade** Swiss grade: 2 = 7 Danish grade** |
*If you hold another upper secondary leaving exam, please contact us for further information.
**Please note, the grade conversion scale might change every third year around 1 March.
Exams from non-EU/EEA countries
Upper secondary leaving exam | For almost every exams, you need to combine your upper secondary leaving exam with either 1 year of higher education or 2 supplementary courses. For further information see the web page of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.* |
Qualifies for the following quota | Quota 2 only |
English B | You need to take an English test. See the approved test and minimum scores on our web page. |
Mathematics A | Minimum total sum of 375 hours of 60 minutes for the (last) three years of upper secondary school. Please enclose a verification form. |
Grade requirement of 6.0 on the Danish scale (the subject grade(s) for the last year of school) | Please request a pre-assessment, if you want us to calculate your grades in English and Mathematics prior to the application round. See our web page for more information. |
*The Ministry of Higher Education and Science offers a level assessment of your upper secondary leaving exam. See their web page for further information.