With an MSc in Data Science from the IT University of Copenhagen you will become a lead data scientist with advanced analytical and technical skills covering all aspects of handling, analysing, presenting, and operationalising data. You will build on your bachelor degree and further specialise the skills and knowledge that you acquired. You will gain a profound mathematical and algorithmic foundation for understanding emerging technologies, statistics, and computational challenges.
You will gain insights on research problems, for instance in advanced natural language processing, deep learning, and network analysis. You will be equipped to discuss the ethical implications of such technologies and their impact on society.
At the end of your MSc, you will be ready to apply the profound theoretical and applied knowledge to solve real world data science problems in the industry or academia.
The MSc in Data Science programme addresses the growing demand for data scientists across all industries. You will learn to derive insights from varied data across sectors and industries to harvest the knowledge needed to improve processes and create innovative solutions. You will learn how to apply your skills to solve societal and social problems.
The programme focuses on foundational aspects and applied technical skills within algorithms, machine learning, and advanced visualization. The programme emphasizes communication and ethical considerations as they play an important role in data handling and the emergent technology to be developed for the future societies.
As a graduate from this programme you will be in great demand across almost all industries and sectors. You will also be equipped to choose an academic career.
The programme is taught in English.
The first three semesters of the programme are composed of mandatory courses and specialising elective modules and in the fourth semester you write a concluding masterโs thesis.
Please find the curriculum for MSc in Data Science
Mathematical and algorithmic foundations
Exploration of heterogeneous data, advanced visualization, involvement of stakeholders in project-based courses
Communication skills and ethical considerations
The electives and the master’s thesis offer further opportunities for shaping your own profile. You can choose between a number of courses offered at the IT University at master level for electives, or even take electives at a different Danish or international university. The master’s thesis can be completed in groups or individually.
Teaching methods in the MSc in Data Science programme include lectures, project work, and assigned exercises. Group work is a big part of this programme, and you will be expected to apply what you learn in your group work.
The programme is taught in English and course material will be in English. Cases and examples from both Danish and international organisations will occur.
During your studies, you have the opportunity to take a semester abroad. Going abroad is a chance to further specialise your academic profile, experience a different study environment, and explore a new country.
With a MSc degree in Data Science you will be equipped to work in a wide range of sectors and industries where demand for Data Science graduates is high. You will also be eligible to pursue a PhD in areas such as Computer Science, Data Science, Network Science, Data Systems, Natural Language Processing.
If you want to explore the possibility for a PhD at the IT University, please read more here.
Examples of job titles you could have include:
Are you interested in studying at the IT University of Copenhagen, and do you have questions about programmes, student life or the like, please contact the Study and Career Guidance.
My name is Bianca, and I am currently studying abroad at Koç University in Istanbul as a part of my 3rd semester of my master in Software Design ๐ง๐
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