Who can be a guest student?

Guest Students from another Danish University

If you are already enrolled in a professional bachelor programme or a bachelor- or master programme at another Danish university, you apply for enrolment on the same terms as Danish students. It is a prerequisite for admission that you have a pre-approval for credit transfer to your study programme from the Board of Studies at your home university.  


  • Apply from the 15th of November (spring semester)
  • Apply from the 15th of May (autumn semester)

Application deadline:

  • 20th January (spring semester)
  • 20th August (autumn semester)

We process the applications as we receive them, and we admit students until the term starts. There are a limited number of study places in all courses and the available places are allocated on a 'first come - first served' basis. Apply at least 1 week before the term starts. The semester begins in week 5 (spring semester) and in week 35 (autumn semester).

Apply as a guest student

Programme specific requirements

Requirements for MSc courses

In order to apply to be a guest student for a course on MSc level you need:

  • to have completed a bachelor degree
  • a pre-approval from your university

Specific requirements for BSc in Global Business Informatics

  • Danish at A level, no required mark but the subject must be passed
  • Mathematics corresponding to the Danish B-level with an average mark of at least 6 on the Danish 7-point marking scale of the marks included in the subject on your certificate (there is no grade requirement if you have passed Mathematics corresponding the Danish A-level).
  • English corresponding to the Danish B-level with an average mark of at least 6 on the Danish 7-point marking scale of the marks included in the subject on your certificate (there is no grade requirement if you have passed English corresponding the Danish A-level).

Specific requirements for BSc in Digital Design and Interactive Technologies

  • Danish at A level, no required mark but the subject must be passed
  • Mathematics at B-level with an average mark of at least 6 on the 7-point marking scale for those marks included in the subject on your certificate 
  • English at B-level with an average mark of at least 6 on the 7-point marking scale for those marks included in the subject on your certificate

Specific requirements for BSc in Software Development

  • Danish at A level, no required mark but the subject must be passed
  • Mathematics at A-level with an average mark of at least 6 on the 7-point marking scale for those marks included in the subject on your certificate
  • English at B-level with an average mark of at least 6 on the 7-point marking scale for those marks included in the subject on your certificate There is no grade requirement if the subject is passed on an A-level.

Specific requirements for BSc in Data Science

  • Mathematics corresponding to the Danish A-level with an average mark of at least 6.0 on the Danish 7-point marking scale of the marks included in the subject on your certificate.
  • English corresponding to the Danish B-level with an average mark of at least 6.0 on the Danish 7-point marking scale of the marks included in the subject on your certificate (there is no grade requirement if you have passed English corresponding to the Danish A-level).

Do you have questions about exemption from the admission requirements? Click on 'read more' button below and find information about exemption.

Exemption from admission requirements

Mathematics A
If you do not fulfil the specific admission requirement in mathemetics A, you can apply for an exemption. The requirement for an exemption is that you have already passed mathematical courses at university level with high grades.
To apply, please upload relevant documentation for the passed courses in you application at 'optagelsesportalen', and name it 'Application for exemption - Math A'. 
Danish A 
Foreign applicants must have passed 'Studieprøven i Dansk' to be granted an exemption for the Danish A requirement (Passed - no specific grade required). 
To apply, please upload relevant documentation for the passed course in you application at 'ansøgningsportalen', and name it 'Application for exemption - Danish A'. 

'Studieprøven i Dansk' is not a requirement if: 

  • The course(s) you are applying for is taught in English 
  • You have completed an upper secondary school education from one of the Nordic countries and passed Danish, Svedish or Norwegian 
  • You have completed an upper secondary school education from Faroe Islands and passed Faroese A
  • You have completed an International Baccalaureate (IB) and passed either "Danish A1, Standard Level", "Danish A Literature, Standard Level' or "Danish B Higher Level". Please note, "Danish B, Standard Level" does not meet the Danish A requirement 
  • You have graduated from a short or a medium-term higher education in Danish 
  • For Global Business Informatics only: if you have passed the final exam in Danish in the primary school or you have achieved the graduation certificate from Danes World Wide

Please be aware that the exemption from the Danish A requirement is only given to course(s) offered to guest students. You must apply for an exemption, if you apply to a full-time BSc Programme and do not meet the Danish A requirement.  

English B
The following English tests meet the English requirement:

  • TOEFL paper-based test result of at least 600
  • TOEFL iBT test result of at least 100 
  • TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition test result of at least 100
  • IELTS (academic) test result of at least 7.0 
  • Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) passed
  • Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE) with min. 167

Test results older than two years old on the 1st of January (year of admission) are not considered. ITU's TOEFL code is 9015. The IELTS does not have university codes. 


Courses for guest students

Here is a list of courses available for guest students.

NB. We have issues showing the individual course schedules at the moment. Please find all spring 2024 schedules via this link.

Course nameLevelTime and placeApplyLanguage
The course is a hands-on introduction to the tools that are necessary to design and develop physical artefacts.
Forår 202520251Infoen-
The course covers fundamental techniques for developing data management and data analytics applications.
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The course covers fundamental techniques for developing data management and data analytics applications.
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This course introduces basics of Bayesian statistics, Bayesian data analysis, Bayesian learning, and the programming tools that enable automation of these methods. The course emphasizes programmable statistical methods over pen and pencil analytics.
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In this course, we teach both advanced machine learning (ML) approaches and hands-on skills for applying these approaches to data science problems.

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This course will introduce classes of tasks that are at the core of most real-world production systems. It will teach advanced solutions to solve these tasks on complex and large-scale data with state-of-the-art tools.

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This course provides an overview on the topics of bias and fairness in data, models, and algorithms, and on the associated ethical and accountability issues.

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This course provides the basic algorithmic tools indispensable for every software developer.
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The goal of the course is to make students able to manage and use data sets, e.g. by learning about tools for data interpretation and visualization, and to reason about the use of data in larger contexts.
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Formålet med kurset er at give de studerende en grundlæggende forståelse for kvantitative metoder og deres anvendelse i både forskning og designpraksis.
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In this course, you will learn how to analyze and improve the performance of a computer system with a specific focus on data-intensive systems.

To investigate a system’s performance and come up with solutions to improve it, there are three key things to know.

  1. How to devise a methodology to design experiments so that you can investigate the system’s performance,
  2. The toolset to run the necessary experiments and collect the results, and
  3. At least a basic understanding of the systems layers (hardware, operating systems, etc.) to be able to interpret your results and come up with solutions.

This is what we will cover in this course.

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The course is focused on forming the basis of a data communicator. The students should recognize the various features of the human perception system, and operate around those limitations. We expect a student to be able to create effective visual encodings (charts), data-driven stories, dashboards and storyboards. The course will empower students with the underlying assumptions, guidelines and trappings of visualizing quantitative information. In doing so, the curriculum will put the field of data visualization in context; touching on its history from the first historic examples, right up until the propensity today of misleading people.
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In this course, students learn how to work in data-driven design and development processes and what changes data analysis brings to the design and maintenance of games.

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This course examines the socio-political, ethical and legal contexts of data by investigating a range of recent data controversies. In this course students will learn to critically reflect upon the multiple ways data is articulated as a controversial legal and ethical object.
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In this course, students learn to design and build a database and to make use of databases in business applications.
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Dette kursus introducerer til teorier og metoder om designdrevet innovation med særlig vægt på produkter, tjenester og systemer, der vedrører eller involverer digitale teknologier. Kurset er organiseret omkring spørgsmål om samfundsmæssig og erhvervsmæssig innovation og indebærer dybtgående videnstyper af innovation, identifikation af innovations muligheder, strategi og konkurrencedygtig analyse, udvikling af forretnings modeller. Gennem et case-drevet engagement med eksterne virksomheder, vil de studerende udvikle, teste, præsentere og argumentere for konkrete koncepter.

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This specialisation focuses on theories, practices and methods from Human Computer Interaction and Interaction Design and enhances the students ability to critically analyze, understand and develop interactive technologies through hands-on experiments in a studio workspace.
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Formålet med dette kursus er at give de studerende en generel forståelse af, hvad der karakteriser digital kultur og kulturelle praksisser. De studerende lærer hvordan de kan identificere og analysere digitale kulturelle fænomener, og hvordan disse fænomener kan forstås som et samspil mellem mediesystemer, personlig kontekst og fællesskaber. Kurset undersøger herudover, hvordan digitale platforme både kan begrænse og berige muligheden for kulturelle udtryk.
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The course will introduce and cover basic concepts in Enterprise Architecture -an approach to understand, manage and develop business strategy in a complex IT landscape. There will be an introduction to the recognised frameworks and models in Enterprise Architecture.

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This course aims to enable students to design and develop websites and interactive Web applications based on standard Web technologies and software frameworks.

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The subject of the course is functional, declarative programming in general and F# in particular.

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This course teaches the conceptual foundation and practical implementation of game worlds.
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This course considers the nature as well as the challenges associated with ‘global project management and IT’.

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This course gives an introduction to IoT as well as practical experience with the design and implementation of end-to-end IoT systems.

Practical examples and exercises will predominatly be from domains Energy and Environment.

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The students learn to conduct work place studies and analyses through the use of ethnographic methods.

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The course will provide an understanding of how to analyze an organization's IT Governance & Quality Management (IT governance) and how to restructure the organization's IT governance so that it is in line with the organization's IT strategy.
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The students will learn theoretical foundations of IT-enabled process improvement and apply these to a real life practical context by working with an organisation.

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Turning the unprecedented amounts of data being collected today into useful information is well beyond the computing power of a single general purpose CPU core. It is, therefore, crucial to know and understand the methods and tools that are able to parallelize various data analysis tasks in an efficient way on multicore CPUs and on a cluster of machines.

With this goal in mind, this course first gives an overview of the popular parallel data processing platforms. Then, it dives into parallelizing various machine learning tasks.

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This is a course in mathematics covering linear algebra and basic probability theory. This course is the first course of the Algorithms and Machine Learning specialisations.
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This course gives an introduction to Java development of apps for the Android platform, and an overview of concepts for handling concurrency on mobile devices.
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The goal of this course is to give you a mindset of working with software in an abstract and semi-automated fashion, as in a production process (as opposed to a hand crafting process).
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The objective of the course is to introduce students to important philosophical and historical perspectives on science and technology, as well as to more general epistemological and reflexive issues related to business informatics as a social science discipline. Throughout the course, the student will become acquainted with a series of concepts within a selection of thematic fields that can be used to critically interrogate empirical phenomena relating to ‘science’ and ‘technology’. 

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This course is designed to introduce students to designing play and games from the perspective of Critical Design. The goal is to give students theoretical and practical knowledge about play that they can use in different subject areas, from game design and interaction design to software development.
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The goal of the course is to teach how to navigate and actively participate in an increasingly complex and constantly changing service economy.
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The design, development, and implementation of a software system requires the evaluation of several, often conflicting, aspects of the system and mastery of multiple tools and techniques. The aim of this course is to provide you with knowledge on how to design the architecture of  software systems in a structured and systematic way that addresses the required functionality and supports the necessary system qualities. This requires a technical toolbox with concepts, methods, and principles to support the software design, implementation, and evaluation as much as a wider understanding of the context and domain of the system. Beyond the design of software architecture you will also learn about the tools and approaches that are used in recovering the architecture of a system by the analysis of its source code and version control information.
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The course examines the new responsibilities and obligations of state actors as they implement IT systems. It explores how public bodies use and store data, questions the line between public and private companies, and explores political and ethical questions of infrastructure and responsibility during public digitization initiatives.
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This course allows students to develop their knowledge of user experience (UX) design and research in the context of new-generation digital products, especially those infused with AI and machine learning technology (AI-infused products). This course presents a number of research-based approaches to user research and the iterative design of these intelligent digital products. 

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The main outcome of the course is that students are equipped with an understanding of core theories, concepts and methods in co-design and participatory design approaches, and their historical grounding and development. Students will also have experience from applying co-design methods in a live project with real stakeholders, and reflecting on the process and results.

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Course will be offered in English in Spring 2024 and a slight revision of course is expected.

Kursets mål er, at de studerende har (1) en grundlæggende forståelse af begreberne data, netværk og dataanalyse; og (2) en værktøjskasse med teknikker og teorier til at diskutere ideen om netværk og data som grundlag for konceptualisering af et netværkssamfund.

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The aim of the course is to give the student a basic understanding of how to work with design, innovation and concept development, with an explicit focus on sustainability and regenerative thinking. Based on a specific design case, the students will learn to apply selected methods and approaches to promote ethical aspects and sustainability in an actual design context. Throughout the course, the student will learn to critically reflect upon the impact, ethical issues in and role of digital design in the transition towards a more sustainable future.

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This course provides the basic algorithmic tools indispensable for every software developer.
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This course gives a fundamental overview of Android programming concepts and the best practices for mobile app development.

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The objective of the course is to provide students with ways of understanding, articulating and thinking critically about some of the fundamental assumptions about the psychology of games, play and players.
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This course will introduce basic concepts and techniques for designing and analysing cryptographic protocols with a focus on privacy preserving computation and blockchain protocols. We will cover both the main constructions of such protocols and the theoretical models used for proving their security.
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The course "DevOps, Software Evolution and Software Maintenance" is a BSc elective.

In this course, the students will discover all the software engineering activities that take place after an initial software product is delivered or after a legacy system is taken over from a theoretical and practical perspective. Students (in groups) will take over such a system that is live and serving users, they will refactor and migrate it to the languages and technologies of their liking. All subsequent DevOps, software evolution and software maintenance activities will be performed directly on the systems of the students.

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This course will introduce basic concepts and techniques for designing and analysing cryptographic protocols with a focus on privacy preserving computation and blockchain protocols. We will cover both the main constructions of such protocols and the theoretical models used for proving their security.
Forår 202520251Infoen

The course "DevOps, Software Evolution and Software Maintenance" is an MSc elective.

In this course, the students will discover all the software engineering activities that take place after an initial software product is delivered or after a legacy system is taken over from a theoretical and practical perspective. Students (in groups) will take over such a system that is live and serving users, they will refactor and migrate it to the languages and technologies of their liking. All subsequent DevOps, software evolution and software maintenance activities will be performed directly on the systems of the students.

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The overall goal of the course is to introduce students to a selection of the most important problem solving and decision support techniques within AI and optimization.
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The overall goal of the course is to introduce students to a selection of the most important problem solving and decision support techniques within AI and optimization.
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The course aims to train the students in conducting a thorough and valid analysis of online data sources with the use of basic programming, statistics and business intelligence tools. 

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The objective of this course is to learn the fundamentals of user experience design and interface design. Basic theories, methods and techniques from user experience design and interface design are applied in group design exercises.

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This course is designed to give students a basic introduction to programming and data processing. Students will get a hands-on introduction to the Python programming language and how to work with tabular data. This will enable them to solve simple programmatic tasks as well as to get an idea of what the role of the programmer entails. After the course student will be able to discuss and reflect on challenges and opportunities derived from approaching the world through algorithms.

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This is an applied course on information security. The course focuses on in-depth penetration testing techniques, elements of cryptanalysis and digital forensics, ethical aspects of security and responsible disclosure.
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The purpose of this course is to explore play as an expressive form and creative framework outside of the domain of games. As such, the learning goals and activities are not oriented towards game design. This course will focus on drawing into the digital design domain inspiration and practices from play and computer games.

This course is designed to expand the intellectual and professional scope of interaction design students.

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The course is a hands-on introduction to the tools that are necessary to design and develop physical artefacts.
Forår 2025Summer 2025Infoen

Understanding creative work as processes that take place within organizational and cultural settings under different kind of leadership and management, the course focuses on the simultaneously constraining and enabling ways these structures influence creativity and innovation. 

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The course is for students looking for an introduction to entrepreneurship, to develop business understanding and learn the startup development processes. 

Students will be given a toolbox of academic frameworks and models to develop business in multiple situations and propose strategic changes to overcome them. Through case studies and group work the students will become familiar with business language which will help to build a bridge between business and technology.

The course is an iteration of the Business Foundation course. This means you cannot register for this course if you have passed the Business Foundations course and vice versa.

Forår 2025Summer 2025Infoen
In this course, the students learn how to evaluate, design and prototype products based on latest artificial intelligence technologies.
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This course provides an introduction into core concepts and applications of data science based approaches to geospatial data analysis.
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This course aims to make students proficient in the functional programming paradigm used by languages such as F#, Scala, SML, OCaml, or Haskell. All programs created in the course will be written in F#, developed by Microsoft and incorporated in Visual Studio and the .NET framework. We will relate the functional paradigm to its imperative and object-oriented counterparts, but focus on concepts predominantly found in functional programming languages such as higher-order functions, recursion and tail recursion, immutable data structures, and first-class functions.
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In collaboration with industrial partners, students will apply Scrum in practice and reason about its application in a controlled yet realistic environment.

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This is a hands-on course that teaches you how to prove that programs are correct. You will get in-depth experience with tools for this task, as well as an understanding of the theory behind them. This course thus equips you to pursue a career in writing safety-critical systems, or in pursuing higher studies in this area.
Forår 202520251Infoen
This is a hands-on course that teaches you how to prove that programs are correct. You will get in-depth experience with tools for this task, as well as an understanding of the theory behind them. This course thus equips you to pursue a career in writing safety-critical systems, or in pursuing higher studies in this area.
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Students attending this course will be able to implement core algorithms of Computer Graphics.
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Through this course, the students will learn about the aspects of game programming commonly involving artificial intelligence methods, which methods are used and how to implement them.
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The course will enable the students to apply tools and methods for data visualizations and to critically reflect on data visualizations as a socio-technical process.

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Most organisations these days rely on business process modelling techniques such as BPMN to document, communicate, and analyse business processes. In recent years, however, advances in technologies have propelled the interest of organisations in automating some of their business processes, using technologies such as Robotic Process Automation, Business Process Management Systems, Adaptive Case Management, Chatbots, and Machine Learning.
This course introduces students both to the traditional craft of business processes modelling using state-of-the-art modelling techniques and to the increasingly important area of business process automation. The students learn to build a technological solution that automates a given business process in a real organisation and to design and analyse implementation strategies for the automation project.
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Algorithmic problem solving is the art of designing algorithms to solve challenging programming problems. This requires extensive practice in classifying problems, choosing the right data structures, and identifying suitable algorithms. This is very different to a standard algorithm and data structure course, where the focus is on understanding the tools at hand, but not on using them to solve problems. This course bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical solutions to computational problems.

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Algorithmic problem solving is the art of designing algorithms to solve challenging programming problems. This requires extensive practice in classifying problems, choosing the right data structures, and identifying suitable algorithms. This is very different to a standard algorithm and data structure course, where the focus is on understanding the tools at hand, but not on using them to solve problems. This course bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical solutions to computational problems.

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Through this course, the students will learn about the aspects of game programming commonly involving artificial intelligence methods, which methods are used and how to implement them.

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Learn to make custom data visualisations by designing with data. Uncover the possibilities of data visualization and discover how to play with data in code.

Forår 2025Summer 2025Infoen

The course provides a basic introduction to scientific thought and introduces central philosophical perspectives on science, epistemology and technology, including central concepts in scientific methodology. The course puts a special focus on IT technologies, exploring its foundations and ethical implications.  

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This course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of cryptography, the practice of protecting information and securing communication in computer systems. We start with classical encryption techniques, and consider modern private-key and public-key crypto systems and study their security against eavesdroppers or attackers, who tamper with network traffic. The course is aimed at students with a background in computer science or mathematics, and will include both theoretical and programming exercises. 

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The course offers a comprehensive exploration of service design and management, equipping students with essential processes, fundamental principles, methods, and tools. The course centers on the strategic design and management of services, incorporating digital components and applying expertise from various service design and management disciplines. Through lectures, in-depth case studies, and interactive hands-on exercises, students explore the characteristics and dynamics of 'service' and 'service ecosystems.' This course enhances students understanding of how services can be designed, efficiently managed, and thoughtfully implemented to deliver substantial value to users, service providers, and other stakeholders.

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This course examines organizations in light of contemporary challenges with digitalization. It explores organizational perspectives on digitalization and cover theories that can help us better understand, and critically reflect upon, such profound challenges, while also offering hands-on approaches to managing them. Furthermore, it investigates questions of the changing nature of work, and themes such as leadership, management, and organizing in order to make students both knowledgeable about, and skilled in the practice of, and engaging with, digital transformation.

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This course provides an introduction to Information Security Risk Management. The course enables students to lead risk assessments, and reflect on the applicability of different techniques for risk assessment and management.

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This course provides an introduction to Information Security Risk Management. The course enables students to lead risk assessments, and reflect on the applicability of different techniques for risk assessment and management.

Forår 2025Summer 2025Infoen
The course is a hands-on introduction to the tools that are necessary to design and develop physical artefacts.
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The course covers fundamental techniques for developing data management and data analytics applications.
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The course covers fundamental techniques for developing data management and data analytics applications.
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The main outcome of the course is that students are equipped with an understanding of the most important concepts, themes and positions in philosophy of science, and how they relate to digital design and interactive technologies. Furthermore, the students should learn to reflect critically about how digital design and technology relate to the world at large.
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The goal of the course is two-fold. On the one side you will learn how to clean, manipulate, process and visualize data in Python with a specific focus on unstrucured data that is typically produced online. On the other side, you will learn how to formulate hypothesys based on this data that can be used in the context of the evaluation or the re-design of a digital product.

Efterår 202520252Infoen
Kursets mest centrale resultat er at de studerende bliver udstyret med en grundig forståelse af kvalitative forskningstilgange og -metoder og evnen til at anvende kvalitative undersøgelsesmetoder til undersøgelser samt formidling af resultaterne.
Efterår 202520252Infoda
På dette kursus arbejder de studerende i grupper med at udvikle prototyper på koncepter for digitale løsninger i samarbejde med private eller offentlige virksomheder baseret på relevante teorier, metoder, værktøjer og teknikker, som introduceres på kurset eller ligger i forlængelse af tidligere kurser.
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Kurset giver en hands-on introduktion til arbejdet med soft – og hardware som design materialer i de tidlige eksplorative  faser af  interaktionsdesign processer. Herunder særligt, konstruktionen af interaktive sketches under design for brugeroplevelser med (smarte) forbundne produkter som del af et Internet of Things.
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This course gives an introduction to technical communication. It focuses on designing different forms of communication correctly, effectively, and convincingly. There will be a theoretical introduction to the importance and principles of technical communication together with several individual and group based practical exercises.
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The course is an introduction to software engineering and software development for data science. The goal of the course is to allow students to join professional software engineering teams that include data scientist and data analysts.
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This is a course in mathematics covering linear algebra and analysis (calculus) of functions of several variables. These are perhaps the two areas of mathematics that have found most uses in practical applications. In particular, the course equips the student with mathematical tools necessary for analysis of big data.

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This course gives a fundamental introduction to machine learning (ML) with an emphasis on statistical aspects. In the course, we focus on both the theoretical foundation for ML and the application of ML methods.
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Networks are all around us: We are ourselves, as individuals, the units of a network of social relationships of different kinds; the Internet and the highway system can be modelled as networks embedded in space; networks can be also entities defined in an abstract space, such as networks of acquaintances or collaborations  between individuals. This course aims at providing the computational tools to study these networks and form the basis of network scientists. The final objective is to have the students to solve practical network problems, to be able to perform a network analysis, and to fully appreciate the difficulties of a network problem in real-world data. The course will have a special focus on social networks.
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This hands-on course teaches you how the design, implementation, and implications, of systems software influence your task as an application programmer. You will get an in-depth understanding of how hardware and the operating system work; in the process, you will learn how computers actually work, and what actually happens when you run an application. This enables you to fully exploit underlying hardware and systems software to write high-quality software.

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This is an introductory course on information security and privacy for data science. The course focuses on aspects of principles and techniques of protecting the security and privacy of data that is collected for data analysis.
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Contemporary organizations critically rely on enterprise systems to support their business processes. In this course, students learn to analyze work systems in organizations and to identify ways for improving them. Students acquire these skills by analyzing a real-world work system and by gaining hands-on experience suggesting requirements for a sociotechnical system that supports the work system.
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Students learn about the concept of computational thinking and get a hands-on introduction to programming using the Python programming language.
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The course will enable the students to analyse a supply chain and identify solutions where information technology can optimise the collaboration between actors in the supply chain network.
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In this course, students will learn to analyse and reflect upon the role of IT and culture in global collaborations.
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The overall aim of the course is to enable students to conduct an organizational analysis. The course introduces students to particular forms of organizational analysis as well as a broad spectrum of organization theories. More specifically, the aim is to enable students to draw on organizational theory in the analysis of what we nominally characterize as events; the purposeful organization of concerted action towards specific goals, and to situate this approach in a broader landscape of organizational theories. 
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Discrete Mathematics covers different topics in mathematics, which support many disciplines in software development. The goal of this course is to give the students the ability to apply formal reasoning. The first part of the course is dedicated to learning how to construct logical proofs, proofs on set theory and proofs by induction, while the second half of the course builds upon the first part to cover number-theoretical concepts, graphs, combinatorics, discrete probabilities, and models of computation. The student will obtain the fundamental skill of computational thinking and will be better equipped to tackle technical subjects throughout the curriculum. The course is an introduction to discrete mathematics as a foundation to work within the fields of computer science, information technologies, and software development. The course develops the necessary terminology and conceptual tools needed for later courses.

This includes:

  • formal reasoning, proofs, logic, set theory, sequences and sums
  • number theory, combinatorics and (discrete) probability theory
  • induction, recursion and counting
  • relations and functions
  • basic graph theory, language theory
  • theory and models of computation, such as finite state machines, regular expressions and grammars
The course aims at providing a basic understanding of the mathematical foundations of computer science.
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This course teaches the theoretical and practical foundations for distributed computing.
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The Analysis, Design, and Software Architecture course (BDSA) is part of the Bachelor in Software Development (BSWU). In this course, students will discover software engineering from a theoretical and practical perspective. Students will learn about the history of software engineering, software processes, and will be exposed to concepts, principles, techniques, tools, and technologies related to object-oriented analysis, design, and programming. The course comprises of two lecture blocks and three exercise blocks. Weekly exercises will be given to students to gain hands on practice of the concepts taught in class.
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This course will introduce students to techniques for solving complex programming tasks arising in modern IT systems. The focus in the course is on algorithm design and analysis.

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In this course, you will both learn state-of-the-art techniques that power state-of-the-art data-intensive applications and systems running on modern hardware and get to apply these techniques on a modern data-intensive system.

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This course introduces Machine Learning methods and how they are used in active research and industry applications. Methods will be described and hands-on skills taught in a way to enable you to select the suitable tool for given use-case, and adapt accordingly.

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This course addresses advanced programming techniques, with a special attention on functional programming and its applications. The course is a perfect balance of theory and practice, with focus on the Scala programming language.

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This course introduces students to the broad field of robotics predominately from an artificial intelligence perspective.

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The proliferation of technology in decision making challenges the collective trust in society.  Mathematical models predict the economy and political decisions are made accordingly. National ID infrastructures, such as MitID, authenticate citizens to digital services who still need to trust that they also protect their private data. AI systems are making decisions that affect many, who must learn how to live with them. Living in a modern digital world means that technology operates in an adversarial and partly unverifiable environment. All too often, technologies are expected be trusted although they are untrustworthy by design.

The concept of verifiability provides mechanisms to check retroactively if operations of a specific technology were correct. Not all technologies and infrastructures support the concept of verifiability, because often verifiability and confidentiality are at odds. Most technologies could support it but only few do.  In this advanced course called Advanced Security, we study the concept of trust and verifiability.

You will take this course as part of the security specialization. As prerequisites, we expect you to be able to program and have taken an introductory course in cybersecurity, such as Security 1 or Applied Information Security, a course on Cryptography, and of course Discrete Mathematics.

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This course aims at making students proficient in a wide range of skills required to develop tools that automatically analyse software and to use advanced type systems for safe programming. Both of these are employed in modern software development to ensure software quality and security in the face of ever-increasing complexity.

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The course is designed to enable the student to engage with future developments in software engineering by providing a forum for the critical discussion of processes, methods, tools, and architectures. By combining theoretical insights from state-of-the-art research and hands-on experience with advanced tools and techniques, students gain a comprehensive understanding of software engineering.

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This course is an advanced course on algorithms which builds on top of an introductory course on algorithms and data structures. The course focuses on advanced techniques for identifying and solving computationally hard problems and on how to adapt such techniques to real-world scenarios.

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This course is about that part of programming that focuses on parallelism and concurrency. It covers concurrency concepts that are universal to any programming language. The Java programming language is the main language used for practically addressing such aspects; and Erlang is also used for a topic in the course.

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Creating aesthetic user experiences requires designers to pay attention to all the subjective, sensorial and emotional qualities that can make a design delightful, pleasant and interesting to users. This course offers a theoretical and methodological foundation for thinking about aesthetics in your design projects. The course is structured around practical design projects addressing challenges from external partners in the cultural sector and/or the creative industries.
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The goal of the course is to address current and future potentials of blockchain-based technologies for a range of (inter-)organizational purposes in a digital economy.

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The course will teach students to analyse complexity within an empirical case that explores a current topic within the fields of science, technology, and innovation.

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The course zooms in on the ongoing digital transformation of the Danish public sector and provides analytical and methodological tools for understanding and working with digitalization processes across governmental institutions and the private organisations that underpin their transformation.
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Students learn to analyse and critically engage with games and related theoretical topics.
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This course teaches fundamental techniques for using C++ efficiently to implement 2D and 3D games.
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The course conveys the necessary tools for analysing games and player cultures from a comprehensive variety of angles, ranging from classic play theories and semiotics to transmedia and gender studies. It engages with games and play from a historical perspective, establishing a common ground for communication about games and player cultures among students from different backgrounds.
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This course teaches the design and development of video games from prototyping to effective teamwork across disciplinary boundaries. It also covers the most important technical and theoretical foundations of game development.
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This course teaches how to explore technologies for their potential in regards to play.
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The course introduces basic theoretical and practical approaches to programming and game engine functionality using the C# language. It is intended for students with little or no prior experience with programming. The course teaches how to build games-related software using a game engine (Unity engine). The teaching emphasizes small programming exercises.
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This course teaches the foundation of constructing user interfaces for computer systems. This problem is likely harder than you might think: computer programs very often perform complex tasks, yet users demand and need simple interfaces. Producing such interfaces requires an understanding of both the user—e.g., what are they trying to accomplish? what do they know already?—and the technology—e.g., how can we  implement a in a given UI framework the interactions that we want to present the user with, how do we interact with a backend API? In this course, students will develop both their design knowledge, but also their technical skills.
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In this course, you will learn how to implement some widely-used algorithms as fast and scalable programs on modern hardware, and how to evaluate your implementation using appropriate test cases and performance experiments.
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This is a hands-on course that teaches the basic principles of computer security. You will get in-depth experience with cyberattacks, and how to prevent them. The course projects enable you to personalize the course to match your unique background.
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This course addresses the technical issues that emerge during the big data life cycle including collection, management, processing, and analytics. We discuss modern approaches to organising and reasoning about large, fast growing and diverse data-sets. We cover the principles of big data analysis, and illustrate a hands-on approach to big data modelling and management.
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This course gives an introduction to the field of data mining. The course is relatively practically oriented, focusing on applicable algorithms. Practical exercises will involve both use of a freely available data mining package and individual implementation of algorithms.

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The course is an introduction to discrete mathematics as a foundation to work within the fields of computer science, information technologies, and software development.
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This course teaches the theoretical and practical foundations for distributed computing.
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In this course students will learn to apply modern state-of-the-art solutions for natural language processing problems. We go beyond simple classification tasks, and tackle more advanced types of tasks, like generation and structured prediction. 

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Networks are all around us: We are ourselves, as individuals, the units of a network of social relationships of different kinds; the Internet and the highway system can be modelled as networks embedded in space; networks can be also entities defined in an abstract space, such as networks of acquaintances or collaborations between individuals. This course aims at providing the computational tools to study these networks and form an advanced understanding of the current state of the art of network science. The final objective is to have the students master computational techniques to solve advanced network problems, to be able to contribute to the development of network analysis, and to appreciate the limitations and future developments of scientific papers dealing with network problems in real-world data.


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Kursets formål er at give en dybere praktisk og teoretisk forståelse for implementation af programmeringssprog, herunder især maskinmodellen bag Java, C# og F#. Kursusemnerne omfatter leksikalsk analyse, grammatikker, syntaksanalyse, abstrakt syntaks, stakmaskiner, virtuelle maskiner, mellemkodesprog (inklusive JVM og .NET CLI), og continuations. Endvidere implementering af fortolkere, typeinferens, oversættere for en delmængde af C og for en delmængde af SML, garbage collectors, og kodegenerering for virtuelle maskiner og maskinkode (fx x86).

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This is an introductory course on information security. The course focuses on introductory aspects of analysis, design and implementation of secure software.

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This hands-on course teaches you how the design, implementation, and implications, of systems software influence your task as an application programmer. You will get an in-depth understanding of how hardware and the operating system work; in the process, you will learn how computers actually work, and what actually happens when you run an application. This enables you to fully exploit underlying hardware and systems software to write high-quality software.

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Dette kursus vil sætte de studerende i stand til at forstå, artikulere og arbejde kritisk med værdier og etik i avancerede og komplekse design kontekster.
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This course enables students to understand the effects of automated digital systems on the way a welfare society is governed and experienced by social groups and individuals.

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The course aims at giving the students an introduction to the complexities of determining how processes of digitalisation and green transitions are entangled.

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The course aims at giving the students an introduction to the complexities of determining how processes of digitalisation and green transitions are entangled.

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Students attending this course will study how to design game code that is scalable and takes into account hardware and software resources.

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This course examines organizations in light of contemporary challenges with digitalization. It explores organizational perspectives on digitalization and cover theories that can help us better understand, and critically reflect upon, such profound challenges, while also offering hands-on approaches to managing them. Furthermore, it investigates questions of the changing nature of work, and themes such as leadership, management, and organizing in order to make students both knowledgeable about, and skilled in the practice of, and engaging with, digital transformation.

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The course gives an in-depth introduction to fundamental principles of probability theory.

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The goal of the course is to teach the understanding, design, implementation, and use of modern artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for generating efficient, intelligent behaviors in games and other simulation environments. A particular focus is given to techniques applied to agent-based simulations.

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Dette kursus vil give de studerende teoretiske og metodiske forudsætninger for at studere, analysere og forstå interaktioner og relationer mellem mennesker og digitale teknologier i situeret praksis. Indenfor rammen af antropologiske og sociologiske teknologistudier, vil kurset træne de studerendes evner til at udføre empiriske studier, samt at analysere og reflektere kritisk over implikationer af digitale teknologier I specifikke situationer og sammenhænge.
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The course is for students looking for an introduction to strategic management to be able to understand and navigate todays and tomorrows business world.

The student will be given a toolbox of academic frameworks and models to be able to analyze current business situations and propose strategic changes. Through case studies and group work the student will become familiar with the business language which will help to bridge the gap between business and technology.

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This course will introduce basic concepts and techniques for designing and analysing cryptographic protocols with a focus on privacy preserving computation and blockchain protocols. We will cover both the main constructions of such protocols and the theoretical models used for proving their security.
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This course will introduce basic concepts and techniques for designing and analysing cryptographic protocols with a focus on privacy preserving computation and blockchain protocols. We will cover both the main constructions of such protocols and the theoretical models used for proving their security.
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The course presents the students with several perspectives on game analysis and design. The unique aspect of the course is the combination of theoretical and practical approaches. Every unit familiarizes the students with the newest development in game studies and follows it with a presentation by a practitioner. This shows the students the interplay between the academic and industry perspectives. The students must also use the topics raised during the lectures as inspiration for their game creation or their original analyses of game elements.

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