Bachelor of Science in Data Science

The programme

With a BSc in Data Science, you will become the next generation analyst — a data scientist with comprehensive analytical and technical skills covering all aspects of handling and analysing data. By deriving key insights from data, you will be driving and informing decision-making of the future. You will learn to work in interdisciplinary teams and not only make sense of vast amounts of data, but also use your organisational knowledge and market understanding to make a difference.

Businesses and other organisations worldwide are accumulating enormous quantities of data for software or market research, disaster prediction, investment analysis, policy development, artificial intelligence, preventive initiatives in health and much more. However, there is a widespread lack of professionals with the know-how to harvest intelligence from this data.

During the three-year programme, you will get extensive teaching in the technical subjects mathematics and statistics for data sciences, programming, machine learning, algorithms development, and data management, as well as in social science applications, research methods, data visualisation, communication, and critical reflection.

This will ensure the comprehensive interdisciplinary knowledge you will need as a data scientist. Here are some examples of potential student projects:

  • Network analysis: election prediction via social media topic modelling
  • Facebook analysis: detecting friends and enemies in social networks over millions of users
  • Language analysis: detecting contradictions in live debates
  • Recommendation systems: personalised automated product recommendation systems for e-commerce
  • Marketing design: automated accurate target group analysis for marketing campaigns over millions of users

The Data Science programme is taught in English. Courses rely on cases and examples from both Danish and international organisations. 

Noncurricular events at the university may be held in Danish.

With a bachelor degree in Data Science you have direct access to the MSc in Data Science.


Meet students from Data Science

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Is this programme for you?

Studying Data Science requires strong math skills, as well as an interest in analysing real-world problems in business-life, science, and society. You will be able to apply your curiosity and interest in making new discoveries when you work on the various cases. 

The IT University is continuously in dialogue and collaboration with relevant industries, ensuring that you acquire skills in demand by the business world. During your studies you will develop new technical skills within statistics and computer science. There is a great deal of group work in this programme, so you should be motivated to collaborate with other students.


Virtual Open House 2025

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Programme structure

The bachelor programme in Data Science is a three-year full-time study with a focus on mathematics and statistics, computer science, and applied social science. Through extensive project work, students are trained in applying these skills in realistic settings, including interacting with domain experts and decision makers in the industry to formulate relevant goals and to support data-driven decision-making processes.

Course of study for BSc in Data Science
1st semester Introduction to Data Science and Programming
(15 ECTS)
Linear Algebra and Optimisation
(7.5 ECTS)
Foundations of Probability
(7.5 ECTS)
2nd semester Applied Statistics
(15 ECTS)
Algorithms and Data Structures
(7.5 ECTS)
Projects in Data Science
(7.5 ECTS)
3rd semester
Machine Learning
(15 ECTS)
Introduction to Database Systems
(7.5 ECTS)
Network Analysis
(7.5 ECTS)
4th semester
Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning 
(15 ECTS)
Data Visualisation and Data-driven Decision-making
(7.5 ECTS)
Large-Scale Data Analysis            
(7.5 ECTS)
5th semester
Technical Communication
(7.5 ECTS)
Security and Privacy
(7.5 ECTS)
Data Science in Production:
MLOps and Software Engineering
(7.5 ECTS)
(7.5 ECTS)
6th semester
Bachelor Project
(15 ECTS)
Reflections on Data Science
(7.5 ECTS)
(7.5 ECTS)
Programming content
Mathematical content
Applications to real world problems
Social science content

Electives and bachelor project
The electives and the bachelor project provide you with an opportunity to shape your own profile. As electives you may choose between a number of courses offered at the IT University at bachelor’s level or even complete coursework at a different Danish or international university. The bachelor project may be conducted in groups or individually.

See a description of all courses offered at the IT University.




The programme has a considerable element of "hands-on" project work allowing you to develop your skills in realistic and complex settings. The teaching will alternate between this kind of project work, lectures, and exercises.

The Data Science programme is taught in English. Case studies will include both Danish and international examples.

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Further education

With a bachelor's degree in Data Science you will hold the academic title of BSc (Bachelor of Science). This qualifies you to continue your studies in a master’s programme at the IT University or a different Danish or foreign university in the areas of science, social science, and technology.

You will have direct access to the MSc programme in Data Science at the IT University. You have direct access for three years after graduation (legal right to admission).

Additionally, the bachelor degree in Data Science qualifies you for entry in the following MSc programmes at the IT University: Computer Science (provided specific CS electives), Digital Innovation & Management (provided Danish A), and Games


After you have finished your bachelor's degree in Data Science, you may choose to go straight out onto the job market. The programme provides you with skills and knowledge that are in high demand across a wide variety of industries and in both private and public sectors.

The BSc programme in its entirety qualifies you to work as a data scientist within a wide array of fields, from investigative journalism where you analyse data to find stories, to financial modelling, financial fraud prediction, urban planning, forensics, agriculture, social media analysis, remote sensing, international development, and much more.

Career portrait

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Activities for students on BSc in Data Science

Study Lab

Study Lab is open three times a week throughout the first semester. Study Lab is a place where you can get help with topics covered in your courses, e.g. by discussing academic themes that you are curious about or getting help with difficult material.

Study Lab additionally hosts interesting activities such as review sessions, minor courses on relevant but noncurricular topics, as well as professional lectures with external speakers. Study Lab is run by experienced ITU students.

Live Coding

Live Coding is a forum for first semester students in Data Science. Here you receive hands-on experience with programming through sessions where a teaching assistant will show you how coding can be done by actually writing the code with you and the other students.

Live Coding takes place once a week from the beginning of every semester.



Student exchange

You have the opportunity to complete part of your programme at a university abroad. Especially the fifth semester is well suited for an exchange. This is a chance for you to further specialise your education and gain experience working in a different culture.

The IT University has exchange agreements around the world. Students enrolled in BSc Data Science, may among other places study a semester at one of the following universities:

  • Australia – University of Technology Sydney
  • China – City University of Hong Kong
  • Germany – Technical University of Munich
  • NED – Maastricht University
  • Netherlands – Maastricht University
  • New Zealand – Auckland University of Technology
  • South Korea – Dankook University
  • Spain – Polytechnic University of Catalonia – Barcelona School of Informatics 
  • Switzerland – Universitá della Svizzera italiana

Admission figures

  • Data Science will admit approximately 80 new students in 2025.
  • 80 % will be accepted via qouta 1, and 20 % will be accepted via quota 2.
  • Indicative average mark from 2024 in quota 1: 8.4 and in 2023 in quota 1: 6.8.

Are you interested in studying at the IT University of Copenhagen, and do you have questions about programmes, student life or the like, please contact the Study and Career Guidance.