PhD Course - Categories for Quantum Theory
Website: Can be found here:
Organizers: Rasmus Ejlers Møgelberg, Radu-Cristian Curticapean and Michael Kastoryano.
Lecturers: The organizers and all participants.
Dates of the course: Week of March 9 to May 2020 (10 weeks)
Time: TBD
Room: Online
Course description:
With the future prospect of quantum computers, quantum theory is increasingly an area of interest among computer scientists. This course studies quantum theory from the perspective of category theory, assuming no previous knowledge in either area. We study monoids, Frobenious structure and Hopf algebras as well as the ZX calculus, a sound and complete graphical calculus for quantum computation.
ILOs: Construct simple proofs using the relevant category theoretic tools. Argue using graphical notation. Describe the quantum computation interpretation of a ZX diagram.
Reading list: We use the book Categories for Quantum Theory by Chris Heunen and Jamie Vicary.(
Programme: 10 lectures of 2 hours. One each week.
Prerequisites: Mathematical maturity, knowledge of basic linear algebra. Willingness to learn a bit of category theory and quantum theory.
Exam: Each student will take responsibility for at least one lecture, and submit 3 mandatory exercises.
Credits: 5 ECTS
Amount of hours the student is expected to use on the course:
Participation: 20 hours
Preparation: 110 hours (60 hours reading, 10 hours preparing presentation, 40 hours mandatory exercises)
How to sign up: Write a mail to (Rasmus)