PhD Course - Linux Kernel
Organizer: Philippe Bonnet, IT University of Copenhagen
Lecturer: Hans Holmberg, Intel Lund
Dates of the course: November 16th - January 18th with lectures/exercise sessions on Wednesdays
Time: 9 AM to 1 PM
Room: Classroom TBD
Course description:
This course is an introduction to the Linux kernel and to the Linux developer community for students interested in diving into its source code, modifying it or contributing to it. The course will give an overview of the architecture and build system, cover methods and tools for developing and debugging kernel code and drill down into a couple of subsystems. The course is structured with lectures, exercises and labs.
On completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- navigate the kernel source code and describe the different subsystems
- design, implement and test kernel code
- appropriately interact with the Linux developer community
6 x 3h lectures + 1h lab introduction/feedback
1: Introduction to the Linux Kernel, build system, configuration
2: Machine descriptions, Kernel Boot process and memory management
3: Interrupts, threads and processes
4: Debugging and tracing
5: Power management
6: Development best practices, community and upstreaming
7: Wrapup
Prerequisites: C programming
Exam: Labs
Credits: 2,5 ECTS
Amount of hours the student is expected to use on the course:
Participation: 28h
Preparation: 42h
How to sign up:
Write a mail to (Philippe Bonnet)