ITU researcher becomes leader of OWASP in Copenhagen
OWASP, one of the world's most recognized software security organisations, has appointed member of the newly established Center for Information and Trust (CIST), Alessandro Bruni, as local leader in Copenhagen. He expects to organise four OWASP events per year.
Computer Science DepartmentCollaborationsResearchIT security
Written 28 March, 2019 10:22 by Jari Kickbusch
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide non-profit charitable organisation focused on improving the security of software. Since the official establishment in 2004, the organization has become one of leading software security organisations.
In short, it's OWASP's mission to make software security visible so that individuals and organisations are able to make informed decisions. This is carried out by a large number of projects, both documentation projects and tools, that are vendor independent and widely used by security professionals to test for vulnerabilities of web applications and to design secure software. Furthermore, the OWASP local leaders organises a large number of event around the world. Assistant professor at the IT University of Copenhagen, Alessandro Bruni, is now one of them.
- This is a great opportunity to spread awareness about cybersecurity threats and I'm excited to bring OWASP to Copenhagen. Denmark is one of the most digitized societies in the world. However, we lag behind in terms of attention on security issues. My personal mission with OWASP is to create a friendly environment among security professionals in Copenhagen in order to build up capacity in the field. As a researcher at the IT University and a member of the new Center for Information Security and Trust, I'm in a good position to create a network among the students, researchers and companies in this important area, he says.
The OWASP local leaders are expected to contribute to local projects, organize training and to attracts founders from the industry. So far Alessandro Bruni has managed to get F-Secure, Dubex, TDC as commercial sponsors while the IT University of Copenhagen and Center for Information and Trust (CIST) will host the events as the academic sponsor.
The first official OWASP event will be held on 28th of March at the IT University of Copenhagen. The subjects will be web, applications, and network security. You can sign up at the OWASP Copenhagen Chapter
For further information, please, contact assistant professor, Alessandro Bruni on e-mail: